Thursday 22 January 2009

Get on your boots

listening to...

Get On Your boots//U2

Popmart Live from Mexico//U2


U2 by U2

What? is this for real? another markmews blog?

well yes exactly, and the proof is the fact you're already several sentences into reading it. :)

So just back to work after 4 days off, never a nice thing

though i enjoyed the time off even though they was quite a bit off sickness in the Reid's household.

Amy had been ill for about a week with pains in her head and blurred vision, so lots of doctor and hospital visits especially for Jean. Eventually the doc says it's migraines but I got my doubt, she also got new specs so hopefully they will help.

After spending the week looking forward to going to church on Sunday, I wasn't able to attend. As when jean got up Sunday morning she was really quite ill, so I stayed home with her. felt sorry for her she really look ill. But after a few hours sleep and some medication she was starting to feel better.

Even the dog was sick. What a day!!!

At church we are learning about influence, which we all have. I suppose it's how we use it that counts.

It's really made me think about what sort of influence I am being on everyone I come into contact with.

To be honest, it probably not always for the good, but hopefully that'll not be as often as I learn from this teaching.

if you're interested why not have a listen here and look for the series influence

or better still why not come along on a Sunday morning at 10.30am if you can

all the relevant direction are here..

You'll probably notice I'm listening and reading about U2 alot..

the new single has been unleashed...

I've listened to it about 30 times and to be honest the jury is still out, but I always same to be not too sure on the lead of single from a new U2 CD

listen for yourself here

Isn't eBay great/ been going bit crazy on it, but mu surplus seems to be selling..!!!!
that's about it for now...
there was something else but I can't remember at the moment
BTW was my birthday on Monday...... and now 50 is closer that 40 was........ whooo scary thought :)
blessings M

Friday 9 January 2009

...and that's the Mews

Listening to...
Ray Lamontage, Rend Collective Experiment
Crazy Love and Messy Spiritual

Blogs are us... or so it would seem :)
Once again a new year seems to bring a new attempt at blogging by yours truly...
i really do hope to make this a regular thing... but then I always say that....

The BIG news for me coming out of 2008 is that after 21 years Jean and I have left the church we had been attending in Comber...
A MASSIVE step and not taken lightly may I had... loads of reasons to move (but that's another story :) )
we are now going to Thriving Life Church ( in Ards. Very different from where we've been but I'm excited, looking forward to the adventure, yes that's right church an adventure. Can't wait to get stuck in..

So I've called this blog 'Mark Mews' a wee play on words. I was driving through some of the back streets in Ards and came across a wee street just off Mark Street called, can you guess? yes Mark Mews, That's it n the photo on top of page....
We brought in 2009 at a party at Trevor and Meta's with the rest of the Patterson clan, was a good night but I was knackered and I had to get p at 6am ish for work.
Here's some photo's
Mo has our undivided attention

Emz and Stu all fancy dressed up

Jean and the girls ready to party ;)

Just to finish this blog...

read this at start of me food for thought

'we will reap a harvest IF we do not give up - Gal 6:9.

hmmmm!!! maybe more on that later

btw start getting excited.. new U2 album 'No Line On The Horizon' coming in March. What?? no excitement

OK just me then