Monday, 21 September 2009

The Signal and The Noise

Just listened to the audio of the service from last Sunday at TLC!! (Get it here -

Very interesting!! It's actually something I was thinking about lately, about listening to/for God's voice!

In my own life I'm very aware of the possibility or even inclination to surround myself with 'noise' which could be anything. Life it seems bombards us with what can only be described as almost like a tidal wave of noise, things that distract us, take our attention and focus to horizontal at the expense of the vertical.
Now I'm not saying our interactions and relationships on the horizontal aren't important in fact I think they are vital. It's just sometimes we miss 'the signal' because of the noise or at least lost the picture because of interference.

Very recently I was listening to an Irish singer called Juliet Turner, who sings a song called 'The Signal and The Noise' to be honest not really sure what its about, but there's somethings about that line 'separate the signal from the noise' that challenges me with what noise I allow to impact me to the detriment of missing out on the holy signal.

Jesus says in the Parable of the Good Shepherd in John 10 in verse 4 that his sheep follow him because they know his voice and in v5 they want follow a stranger because they don't know his voice, I wonder which voice is my default, which is the voice I recognise and ultimately follow

I wonder!!

1 comment:

  1. “One needs occasionally to stand aside from the hum and rush of human interests and passions to hear the voices of God.” - Anna Julia Cooper
